Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get to the run-site?

If you have your own mode of transportation, refer to the given map reference, run-site location, and look the Google Map reference on the Website. Public transport on the page “More Info…” That’s how all the regular hashers find the run-site.

If you can’t find someone to give you a ride, use a local taxi service. Most taxi drivers have, at one time or another, taken someone to a hash run so most of them know what to expect. Again, use the given map reference and run-site location.

Can anyone just go and join a hash run?

Yes, provided you introduce yourself and register with the Hash Cash (the person collecting money) at the beginning of the run.

If you don’t know anyone, turn on your charm and talk to someone who looks like a member. Maybe he/she will do the necessary introduction for you. It’s extremely informal, so relax.

How much are the guest fees?

$20 for ladies, $25 for men

The amount paid entitles the guest to the run and all the liquid refreshments he/she can consume after the run and during the circle, until the circle is declared over. Good deal, huh?

Membership Subscriptions

If you wish to join, Members’ bi-annual subscriptions are S$190 for beer drinkers and S$ 90 for “softies”.  No deposits are required for Sunday Hash.

How long are the runs?

A well-laid run should take an hour. The fastest runners and the slowest joggers should come back within minutes of each other.

And how is that possible?

Good hares make sure there are sufficient false trails, tough checks, and loops to fool the front runners enough so that the back runners will always have a chance to catch up. We always try to keep all runs to the hour but this is not a perfect world. Not to worry, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how well you can manage a hash run even if you think jogging 3km is a major event.

What should I bring?

A change of clothes, a towel, some bottles of water to wash up with, fresh footwear, some plastic bags to dump your dirty stuff, some money for guest fees and the on-on (dinner after the run), and a huge sense of humour and adventure.

Is my stuff safe at the run-site?

Most of the hashers come to the run-site directly from their offices, usually lugging their laptops, files, etc. There is an average of 10 cars at each run, and the standard practice is to stash your valuables in a fellow-hasher’s trunk (boot). If unfamiliar, the first people you should seek out upon arriving at the run-site are the Hash Cash, Grand Mistress, Grand Master or any committee member who will be more than happy to direct you to a safe storage for your stuff. It’s a great way to make immediate friends as well.

What time should I be at the run-site?

The runs start promptly at 17:30hrs (that’s 5:30pm to the masses). Be at the run-site by 1700hrs (5:00pm) for registration with the Hash Cash and maybe some mutual back-slapping exercises.